Self-Kindness Project – Habits That Can Improve Your Life

It’s been said that you can’t give what you don’t have. The same thing is true to kindness. You can’t genuinely give it to others if you don’t receive it from yourself. If you are like some people, you may be too hard on yourself. You beat yourself up for missed opportunities or mistakes made. And if left unchecked, it could become a habit that may affect your life in more ways than you can imagine. Thankfully, self-kindness is something that you can practice every day. Here are some of the kind things you can do to yourself.

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Start your day on a positive note

Your morning routines can influence the rest of your day whether you like it or not. So you might as well begin it on a positive note. Wake up early, spend time to meditate or simply quiet your mind, write down the things you are grateful for, make a plan for the day, and read or listen to something inspiring. Whatever it is that you choose to do, make sure that you devote at least thirty minutes of the time after you wake up to do something positive.

Bermain slot kini lebih strategis dengan adanya teknologi rtp live yang mempermudah pemain memilih rtp slot tertinggi. Informasi ini memberikan panduan akurat untuk menemukan slot gacor hari ini yang sedang memberikan hasil besar. Dengan bermain berdasarkan data, peluang menang menjadi lebih tinggi. Tidak diragukan lagi, slot rtp tertinggi hari ini selalu menjadi rekomendasi utama.

Give yourself time to prepare for the day

You’re not doing yourself any good by rushing through your morning preparations. It’s stressful to feel anxious and worried about running late or missing an appointment. Be kinder to yourself by allotting more time for all the preparations you need. Enjoy the simple pleasures of eating a healthy breakfast. Leave home with plenty of time to spare for unexpected delays. Sometimes self-kindness is all about paying attention to the little things that can improve your daily experiences.


Tackle the hardest things first

Maximize your time by dealing with the unpleasant or hard things first. This way you have the easier stuff to work on when your energy begins to wane. You have to give yourself the opportunity to accomplish your goals by understanding your peak times. This should help you schedule tasks to get the optimum results.

Pace yourself

Don’t work yourself to the ground. Regardless of how busy things get, always find time for a short break. Breathe, step away from whatever it is you are doing, and take time to gather yourself. You can be more clearheaded and productive if you treat yourself with kindness even on your busiest days.

Receive criticism with grace

Criticisms are uncomfortable and may be painful at times. But it won’t do you any good to focus on the negative things. Use them as references on how you can improve yourself. Pick the lessons and things you need to work on and forget about the things that will not be of any help to you.

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Caring for Your Backpack Sprayer


If you care about your plants, you know you have to purchase a back pack sprayer to keep pests away from them. And if you care about your backpack sprayer, you have to maintain it the right way.

Taking care of your sprayer can prolong its life and cause it to perform better than you expected.

Here are the maintenance tips you should follow:

Clean it after every use

back-pack-sprayingI know, I know, this is tiring to do. But trust me; it’ll be worth it. It’s essential to rinse your sprayer with a tank cleaner after using it. If you don’t have a cleaner, water will suffice. Doing so will prevent the chemicals and liquid from getting stuck and building up inside the tank. Keeping it clean regularly is one way to avoid spending money on repairs or replacements. So, don’t be lazy and clean it after each use.

Winterize it the right way

Don’t leave it out all alone in the cold! Before winter arrives, ensure that you’ve already winterized your spraying. This is a simple task. All you have to do is add an anti-freeze to the tank to keep it from getting frozen. And that’s it!

Handle herbicides correctly

Before using herbicides, read the instructions on the label first. This way, you’ll know how to handle, use, and dispose of it properly.

Get an extra tank

backpacksprayerTo avoid spraying the wrong product to your beloved plants, buy a spare tank. Doing so will also eliminate the need for emptying the sprayer tank and filling it over again with another type of liquid. A spare tank will also prevent contamination. Let’s say you used a broad-leaf herbicide, and you only have one tank so you’ll have to get rid of it before adding water to spray to your plants. You’ll have a difficult time removing that herbicide from the tank because it sticks too well to plastic. It really is clingy. This means you’ll spend a lot of time rinsing instead of distributing liquid to your plants. The backpack sprayer then becomes inconvenient for you. To solve this kind of problem, purchase one or two spare tanks and designate a container for each type of liquid you’ll use. This way, you won’t have to worry about spraying the wrong fluid.

Lubricate it if necessary

Your manufacturer might recommend you to lubricate the O-rings and sprayer’s seals, so make sure you read the manual of your sprayer carefully. It might suggest you grease it at the start of the spray season and once more during the midseason.


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Indoor Gardening with LED Grow Lights


Gardening has tons of benefits. d fact, it’s even considered to be better than other hobbies in combating stress. Gardening encourages us to have a healthier lifestyle, improves our psychological well-being, and makes us more compassionate and kind to both nature and humans.

But why is it better to grow with LED lights? Let’s find out.

They don’t heat up


Although not all LEDs are equal, the best LED grow lights don’t build up the heat. In fact, you’ll be surprised by how bright the light is and how cool they operate compared to HPS and CFL lamps. These lights don’t waste a lot of energy by generating waste heat. And because they don’t heat up, plants can be situated closes to them because they won’t get damaged. Plants will transpire less too because LEDs are cooler and use less water in total.

They don’t need ballasts


A ballast is a passive component tailored to moderate the changes in a current. Conventional grow lights need this to prevent them from destroying themselves. These ballasts utilize energy to do their job, which means you’ll have a more expensive energy consumption.

LEDs, thank God for them, don’t need ballasts. You can choose the wavelengths of released light by using the right LED grow lights for a particular plant stage. However, you can’t do this with conventional lights since they offer only little control over the wavelengths of light they generate. Regular lights also make you buy additional filters which are, by the way, not even inefficient because they also give limited ability to choose desired wavelengths.

With LEDs, we can have significant control over light intensity. And did you know that if wavelengths can be controlled, the plants’ antioxidants content can increase, which means they’ll be more nutritious? And that’s according to NASA. How awesome is that?

They last long

Finally, LED grow lights can last waaaay longer than conventional lights. Unlike compact fluorescent lamps (that lasts 8,000-10,000 hours) and incandescent lights (which lasts around 1,000 hours), LEDs have a lifespan of 30,000 to 50,000 hours or more! No more worrying about frequent replacements!

Do you know what to do now? You’ve guessed it right—start gardening with LED grow lights!

If you’re still doubting the awesomeness of LED grow lights, then I suggest you watch the video below.

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How Sawing Makes You A Compassionate Person


Admit it or not, for some people, sawing is something that can only be done by those who are working within the creation industry. But what they don’t realize is that, sawing can actually be done by just about anyone who wants to build something – be it something that can be used for business purposes especially for a few months or something that can be used for leisure purposes especially for a few years, be it who they are when it comes to knowledge or what they are when it comes to skills.

That’s because you see, that’s how sawing makes you a compassionate person. The fact that it can be done by anyone who wants to build something, especially if one do know how to saw with a miter saw and just about any other kind of saw out there known to man, is enough for people from all walks of life to know that anything is possible if they are just willing to learn about it – further making you compassionate enough to know how it’s like to build something from scratch and being able to showcase something you’re truly passionate about even through the simplest of creations.

Admit it or not, for other people as well, sawing is something that can only be done by those who are homing within the innovation industry. And what they don’t realize is that, sawing can actually be done by anyone who needs to rebuild something – be it something that can still be used for business purposes even for a few more months or something that can still be used for leisure purposes even for a few more years, be it who they are now when it comes to knowledge or what they are now when it comes to skills.

That’s because you also see, that’s how sawing makes you a compassionate person. The fact that it can be done by anyone who wants to rebuild something, even if one doesn’t know how to saw with a miter saw and just about any other kind of saw out there known to man, is enough for people from all around the world to know that anything is possible of they are just willing to learn more about it – further making you compassionate enough to know what it’s like to rebuild something from scratch being able to showcase something you’re truly passionate about even through the simplest of innovations.

Indeed, sawing makes you a compassionate person.

What do you think about this blog post? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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Leafy Green Vegetables for a Healthier Mind


Are you familiar with Popeye the sailor man? He’s a cartoon character that eats spinach to make his body strong. And immediately after gulping a can of spinach, he miraculously gets way stronger than he is. This cartoon helped increase spinach’s sales in America by one-third, and it’s also an efficient way to encourage children to eat vegetables.

Leafy green vegetables are usually avoided by many because of their unusual taste. It’s also probably because people prefer sweet food. However, we need the nutrients in green veggies to keep our bodies healthy and fit.

This is why juicing is an excellent alternative for picky eaters who barely eat green leafy vegetables.

If you don’t have a juicer for leafy veggies yet, check this URL.

Benefits of Green Juice


Aside from spinach, other leafy veggies are also essential for our bodies. They help keep our system clean and in good condition.

A Sharp Mind

According to a study, consuming leafy veggies can help keep our mental abilities sharp. Incorporating collards, spinach, mustard greens, and kale into our diet can help prevent cognitive decline, which means we’ll also have fewer chances of developing illnesses related to the brain like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It could even prevent brain aging!

Leafy green vegetables are also packed with one form of vitamin K—K1. K1, called phylloquinone, is responsible for keeping our insulin levels healthy and helping us prevent dementia.


A Positive Mind

When the mind is healthy, we’ll also have a more optimistic way of thinking. This leads to having a more positive mindset. If our brain is in good condition, we can function well every day and finish the tasks assigned to us without dealing with a headache or other mental pains. In fact, one study revealed that consuming lots of vegetables—green or not—can cut down the chances of developing depression for up to 62%.

What are you waiting for? Start juicing greens now!

We found this video to motivate you further:


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Being More Compassionate For Welding


or some people, welding is something that can only be learned by a few people and especially those who don’t really mind creating something new at work with their own hands alone and in an uncomfortable manner.

For other people as well, welding is something that can just be applied by a few people and even those who don’t really mind innovating something old at home with their own tools alone and in an unsecure manner.

But you know what?

There’s more to welding than it seems to be, and it involves you being more compassionate for it and for one’s passion.

You see and unlike what some people may think about welding in general, doing so is not just about creating something new at work with your own hands alone and in an uncomfortable manner. It’s about one’s passion to create something new at work with your own hands alone and in an uncomfortable manner – but this time, with the help of power tools like plasma cutters to make things easier and according to what you have envisioned in your mind: exactly and precisely as other people would also envision it in their minds when it comes to things that will make their everyday lives easier and more comfortable, no matter how uncomfortable it will be at first.

Because indeed and especially with those found on, there’s more to welding than it seems to be and doing so is not just about creating something new at work with your own hands alone and in an uncomfortable manner.

And you know what?

There’s even more to welding than it seems to be, and it involves you being more compassionate for it and for one’s purpose.

You also see and unlike what other people may feel about welding in general, doing so is not just about innovating something old at home with your own hands alone and in an unsecure manner. It’s about one’s purpose to innovate something old at home with your own hands alone and in an unsecure manner – and this time, with the help of power equipments like welding helmets to make things more convenient and according to what you have envisioned in your heart: exactly and flexibly as other people would also envision it in their hearts when it comes to things that will make their everyday lives more convenient and more secure, no matter how unsecure it will be at first.

Because indeed and even without those found on the same link mentioned above, there’s even more to welding than it seems to be and doing so is not just about innovating something old at home with your own hands alone and in an unsecure manner.

What do you think about this blog post? Share your thoughts with us below!

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How To Be More Positive


Ever wondered how other people still manage to smile, even if they’re going through a rough time? Ever wondered how other people still manage to laugh, even if nothing in their lives are going right?

Well, let me tell you a secret: POSITIVITY. It’s the kind of attitude that will give you strength, even if you’re going through a rough time. It’s also the kind of attitude that will give you hope, even if nothing in your life is going right.

Positivity is your happy pill, ready to help you get through a rough time. Positivity is also your calming pill, ready to help you get on the right track. Without it, life would be too negative. Without it, life would be too dark.

That being said, here are some ways to be more positive:

Reconnect With Nature

Be it roaming around the park or strolling inside the garden, one can always be more positive when reconnected with nature. You see, Mother Nature doesn’t just offer scenic views. You also see, Mother Nature doesn’t just offer tranquil waters and fertile lands. Nature at its best involves seeing birds fly high in the sky or even whales jumping over the sea, which you can see up close with spotting scopes. Nature at its best also involves experiencing rock climbs and trail hikes, which you can experience more so at famous attractions like the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Write Down Everything

No, it doesn’t mean you have to make a life novel to be more positive. Yes, it means writing down everything you’re grateful for to be more positive. It could be the things that make you happy every day. It could also be the people who make you calm every day. Now…let’s just say that whenever you’re going through a rough time, one look at those things you’ve listed down will help you get stronger. And now…let’s also say that whenever things aren’t going right, one look at those people you’ve listed down will help you get more hope.

Always remember, you can’t always control what happens in life. However, you can always control how you react about what happens in life – and that is, to be more positive…despite going through a rough time and even if nothing in life is going right.

Are you a positive person? What role does positivity have in your life? How does it help you get through a rough time? How does it help you get on the right track? Share your thoughts with us below!

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Some Habits Of A Positive Individual


Being positive is not just about thinking happily when nothing in your life is going right. Being positive is also not just about convincing yourself to think contently when you’re going through a rough time. You see, being positive is about being happy even if nothing in your life is going right. You also see, being positive is about being actually content even if you’re going through a rough time.

Indeed, being positive is being the kind of individual who doesn’t only get to see for himself the silver lining. And indeed, being positive is being the kind of individual who also get to experience for himself the silver lining.

That being said, here are some habits of a positive individual:

He wakes up early and thanks God for everything.

Waking up early is not just a great way to be productive, be it at home or at work. Waking up early is also a great way to be thankful, be it for your family or with your workmates. Simply put, a positive individual wakes up early to give thanks – not just for everything God has given unto him, but also for everything he currently doesn’t have. Even more so, a positive individual gives thanks to wake up early. Which leads us to…

He disciplines himself enough to just be content with what he can only afford right now.

A positive individual is also satisfied with life, even if there are goals that he hasn’t reached just yet. A positive individual is also contented with himself, even if he can only afford so much right now. It’s being positive in the face of life’s easiest challenges, as well as life’s toughest challenges – all without breaking your spirit to work harder for your dreams.

He does things in the simplest way possible.

To be positive is also to be simple – not just in words, but also in actions. Let’s say, you have a simple lifestyle. That means, you also act a simple lifestyle. Be it making your own bread recipe at home via bread machines at or making your own juice recipes at home via juicers and blenders, you can still do these things in the simplest way possible.

And that’s because, let’s face it…

A positive individual is basically happy and content, no matter what happens in life.

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5 Simple Yet Effective Tips to Help You Think Positively

Positive Mindset

A vibe of positivity can boost one’s mood. Feeling sad, nervous, or upset? But why you should?  Don’t let negativity limits you from becoming the best you can be.

We can’t avoid feeling these kinds of negative emotions, but with a positive mindset, we can control it.

Need a help to find the positivity in your life? Worry no more! we’ll offer you some effective tips to help you think positively.

Set Goals

You’ll be more motivated and positive in life when you set goals. That’s where your journey will start. Setting a goal will help you think clearly and positively.

For example, you want to learn your grandma’s sweet potato gratin recipe, do your part and research!

Relax and Don’t Stress Yourself Too Much

Avoid stressing yourself. Being stress will make you feel sad, bad, and negative. Calm down and relax your mind. Give yourself some reward sometimes. Value your life and you’ll be more positive in life.

Avoid Overthinking

Doubting isn’t good. Don’t overthink too much. It’s not good for your mind and career. Just take immediate action once needed. You’re more likely to think negatively once you overthink things.

Interact With Positive People

No. Not HIV positive people.

Limit and stay away from negative people as much as possible. Being negative sometimes is fine, but too much won’t make your life better. Associate with optimistic people. Happiness is contagious! Let them encourage and inspire you to prevent your doubts in life.

Be Responsible for Everything You Do

Don’t blame others for your mistakes. Be responsible enough to accept it. Blaming others is bad, and also won’t make you feel better. Once you take ownership and responsibility, that’s where the positivity will kick in.

Be optimistic in life! You’ll be happier, satisfied, and achieve more goals with a positive mindset. Don’t let doubts, fears, and mistakes break your positivity. Use it to keep the positive vibes!

Thanks for reading! Share your thoughts below!

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Taking Small Steps towards a Positive Mindset


Positivity is not about denying that negative things are happening in and around you. It is not about escaping reality and always thinking that everything is well and good. Developing a positive mindset involves acknowledging the bad without dwelling on it. You do it by not allowing negativity to take center stage in your daily life. Like many things in life, this is easier said than done. But it does not make it impossible. You may just have to be more mindful of what you let in and stay in your mind.

Decide to dwell on the positive

You can either take control or just let your thoughts dictate how your day unfolds. It is up to you to choose the narratives in your mind. You can dwell on negative thoughts and deal with the stress and worries that often come with them. Or you can focus on the positive things and avoid needless suffering. The latter seems like an obvious choice if you want some peace of mind.

Explore other perspectives

Some negative thoughts are there for a reason. They may present lessons that need to be learned or problems that you have to resolve. Simply ignoring them are not exactly your best options. One of the many ways you can use the negative things in your life to your advantage is to change the way you view them. You can maintain a positive outlook while addressing whatever negativity may be hindering you. It is a more productive way to deal with things that may fester if you just bury it beneath the surface.

Find the good in every situation

You can either let bad things get you down or you can find the good from them. In the end, it is always about the choices you make. Tough times happen to everyone. There will be days when things just seem to spiral out of control. There are days when you feel unbalanced and too stressed to see the good in everything. It is usually during these moments when finding something positive about any situation can put you back on track.

Fake it until it becomes natural to you

It is when you feel least like being positive that you need to fake it. Act like the positive person you imagine yourself to be. Mimic the behaviors of people that exude positivity. It takes practice but you will eventually get the hang of it.

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